2023 Felt Like One Big Failed Experiment

Wearing: Jamila Plisse Set from Rebdolls
Wearing the Jamila Plisse Set from Rebdolls, Click any of the photos if you’re interested 🙂

So How Did We Get Here?

Flashback to September 2022 (not much longer after my 33th birthday), I had the brilliant idea to leave my stable, comfy planning job with a major retailer in order to pursue personal opportunities (i.e., try my hand at becoming a full-time “content creator”). Okay, maybe I’m being hyperbolic, my Virgo Sun would never let me take such a giant leap of faith without a thorough, thought out game plan and subsequent back-up plans b, c, so on and so forth. I had a cushy savings to hold be over for the next 3-4 months, until I could secure a new role and in the meantime, I would commit to content creation, something I’ve dabbled in since college.

Little did I know that behind my resignation notice would follow a “soft recession” (never officially recognized by our government), and rejection letters from employers left and right. On top of all of the that, my attempt at full-time content creation would yield disappointing results (to be fair, the market for creators is vastly oversaturated especially within the Fashion/Beauty niche, and it’s tougher with the added layer of marginalized identities. But another conversion another day).

Fast forward to mid 2023- I’m BROKE broke and severely depressed, trying to find even the slightest bit of will to just get out bed to shower and eat. This lasted for months. Experiencing so much rejection from employers made me question my professional value. Seeing little to no return on content creation had me questioning my creative value *Insert Imposter Syndrome Here* Ya girl was down BAD!

How’d We Get Through It?

Did I say I got through that?! SIKE. It’s the final days of the year and I’m STILL unemployed but chile, I had to do something. I noticed how sad my face looked on one of my sponsored posts and said to myself “oh girl, you can’t even fake being happy if you tried. We gotta do something about this.” Depression is one of those disorders that can go from bad to REAL BAD in the blink of an eye. I can’t say that I’m completely out of the woods but I’m miles away from where I was months ago (We can chat about my depression routine in another post).

The last three months turned out to be pretty successful in terms of brand partnerships. Somehow , someway I’ve rediscovered my love of creating, without the external comparisons or obsessing over metrics.

One of my biggest lessons of 2023 was learning how to actually relinquish control and give way to the path of the Universe. Remember my Virgo Sun from earlier? Yea well Control is that bish’s middle name and we’ve had to TUSSLE. She’s coming around though, slowly but surely lol.

So Where Do We Go From Here?

GIRL, the hell if I know! I’m just taking it day by day honestly. Still filling out job apps, still getting in front of the camera to get these fits off. Hopefully rediscovering some forgotten passions, hence the return of this blog. I’ve come to realized I’m much better written than in motion, so as long as I have will, the words will come.

I can’t promise that I’ll be super consistent here, I have to find my bearings again. But I want to show up in a real way whether it’s messy or not, something authentic. Along with my ongoing job hunt, I’m in the process of rediscovering my personal style (How does one dress in they’re 30’s anyway?), navigating depression, new inspirations in film/music and so much more. I hope ya’ll stay along for the ride.

With Love,

— Dani

O-P-U-L-E-N-C-E | Statement Furs + Fringe

Can we just take a moment to appreciate this extended cold front we’ve been having in the H? I’ve finally been able to pull out things that haven’t seen the light for months. Furs are a great example. Just in time for New Year’s Eve, I was able to pull out the white shaggy faux fur jacket and pull together this look.  Continue reading “O-P-U-L-E-N-C-E | Statement Furs + Fringe”

15 Lessons I’ve Learned in 2017


Here we are again at the top of a new year and I’m so thankful. I decided to pursue my ambitions of relaunching my fashion/lifestyle blog and here we are. Smarter and wiser. There were ups and there were some downs, but all in all, this has been a year a growth and enlightenment. Below are just a few of the many lessons 2017 has taught me:

  1.  You can do anything you put your mind to. Once you decide what you want, the universe will conspire for your highest good.
  2. Confidence in your ability is not being conceited. You are allowed to give yourself more credit.
  3. There can be no progress with forgiveness.
  4. Forgive them and forgive yourself.
  5. Your body is yours and yours alone. Don’t change it for any validation that you think you might need.
  6. People will stare. It’s not always bad. Most times it’s because of that fire ass outfit. Flaunt it.
  7. The need for constant perfection can be stunting. Know what’s healthy and what is keeping you from living your best life.
  8. Move with authenticity and the rest will fall into place. The universe is watching.
  9. Seasons can go as quick as they come. Don’t mistake a season for a lifetime.
  10. There is power in your very being. Don’t be afraid to use it.
  11. Trust your instincts at all times. They will not lead you astray.
  12. Fear not living your life as boldly and as unapologetically as your heart desires.
  13. Patience is Key.
  14. It’s okay to ask for help.
  15. Always, always, always move with Love. Nothing can be wrong if the love is right.


Happy New Year’s Loves!!! We have some much more to learn and do n 2018! Ya’ll ready?

With Love,


Holiday Party Outfit Ideas for the Fashion Girl

The Holiday season is in full effect which means parties will be back to back to back. All out of outfit ideas for your next affair? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Fringe, sequins and anything shimmery have been heavy on the radar lately and would be perfect for every party.  Check out these totally adorable looks below and be inspired to shine this season!!

holiday outfit collage


What you are wearing for your parties this season? Let me know in the comments below!

With Love,


10 Zara Pieces for Your Holiday Party

Hey Loves, the holidays are literally at our front door and you know what that means? Holiday parties. So it got me to thinking…. What does the Fashion Girl wear to a holiday party? Where would she shop that is affordable yet stylish? Of course one of my favorite stores, Zara, can to mind. The ten pieces below showcase my favorite trends for the fall/holiday season: fringe, sequins, velvet and embroidery.

Whether it be the office social and a night out with your friends, these 10 pieces are sure to be a holiday hit! Or at least get the inspiration flowing. Check it out below!! Continue reading “10 Zara Pieces for Your Holiday Party”

Sequins for the Office

I don’t know what it is about the holidays but it just makes me want to wear shine around the clock. And that’s good and fine for the evening, but what about the daytime? What do you wear when you work a 9-5 office job? That’s where this adorable tee came in. Continue reading “Sequins for the Office”